The Federal Social Security program is one of the largest programs in the United States. When you or someone you love has a physical or mental disability and cannot work, you may be entitled to benefits. A Perry Social Security disability lawyer can help answer your questions and determine if you qualify.
At BDIW, we understand the hardship disability can bring. Whether you are filing a claim for the first time or have received multiple denials, contact our firm today. A Perry personal injury lawyer can discuss the details of your case and the best steps forward.
Social Security Disability Benefits in Oklahoma
When you or someone you love has a permanent disability or serious medical condition with life-changing effects, they may be entitled to receive benefits. According to the eligibility requirements, you must have paid into Social Security through your previous employment. In some cases, self-employed individuals will not qualify for Social Security benefits.
When determining this condition or disability, there are a few questions that must be asked, including:
- Are you working? If the answer is no, you are not working due to your condition or disability, then you can move on to the next qualifying questions.
- Is your condition severe? Does it impact your ability to do basic work duties or daily activities?
- Is your condition found within the list of disabling conditions that Social Security outlines?
- Are you able to do the work you completed previously? If your medical condition stops you from performing anything you previously have done, then this will be important to know.
- Can you do any other type of work? If the answer to this is no, then you will likely be considered even more for social security disability.
Even if these questions are answered in favor of having a life-changing disability or medical condition, you may not always get approved for these benefits. This is where the help of a Social Security disability lawyer in Perry comes in handy. Speaking with a skilled attorney can help you navigate the process of the Social Security disability application.
Documents that Are Needed to Apply for Social Security
Before you apply, you must ensure that the eligibility requirements are met. Once they are, the following information will be needed to get your social security benefits approved:
- Name, place of birth, and social security number
- Detailed information about your medical illnesses, medical conditions, or disabilities
- Names of doctors who treated you, the names of medications you are taking for your medical condition, and the contact information of the medical facility
- The amount of money earned the year before your disability occurred
- The name and address of your current employer
- Information about any worker’s compensation received
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SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY TODAYCommon Reasons for Denied Claims
Once you are diagnosed with a serious medical condition or work-altering disability, it is in your best interests to file a claim. The application and claims process can be a very lengthy process. Denials can happen for a number of reasons, including:
- Medical evidence was not documented properly
- The doctor’s report is not consistent with social security regulations of having a disability
- Your inability to work due to the given condition isn’t accurately stated
- The forms in your application weren’t properly filled out
- You applied for these benefits outside of the deadline
- The forms for your condition were not filed at the appropriate office
How a Social Security Disability Attorney in Perry Can Help
It is reported that more than 2.3 million individuals will apply for social security disability each month. This large number makes it quite common for denials to occur. The SSD process can be confusing for some and leave others with nowhere to turn once a denial is received.
If your claim was denied, you shouldn’t give up. A Perry Social Security disability attorney from BDIW Law can help you gather the documents needed for your claim and fight for your benefits. Our law team knows the Social Security disability system well and can represent you throughout the entire process.
We can look at your initial application and speak with a representative from the Social Security Administration (SSA) to see what went wrong. From there, we will file your function report, which lets SSA know how badly your disability affects your everyday life and your work life. We can work hard to appeal this denial if there are strong reasons for a denied application.
Don’t Suffer Any Longer – Get SSD Benefit Assistance Today
Even though there are no time limitations for filing an application for Social Security disability benefits, it is best to file a claim as soon as possible. In order to eliminate problems or denials down the line, hiring a knowledgeable Social Security disability attorney in Perry can be a great first step to getting benefits.
At BDIW Law, we can support you and offer the needed knowledge throughout the entire process. For more information about what we can do in this situation, schedule your free consultation. By giving us a call, we can find out the best path of action to start receiving benefits.