Motorcycle accidents are some of the most devastating of all types of vehicle accidents because the rider is virtually unprotected on the road. Yet, these accidents can change the course of a person’s life, but do you know what to do at the scene of a motorcycle accident if it happens to you? Our Oklahoma City motorcycle accident lawyer at BDIW Law wants to help you know how to prepare in the event you plan to get on the back of a motorcycle.
Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident
When you are involved in a motorcycle accident, your first step should always be to keep yourself safe. To do that, you must assess what is happening around you and whether you can move. If so, call 911 as your first action so that you can get the medical care you need as soon as possible (and others on the scene can as well).
Move yourself out of danger as your next step, if it is possible to do so. This may include moving off to the side of the road, for example. You also want to check on the other driver to see if you are okay with providing some aid and if you can do so in a safe manner.
At this point, we encourage you to wait for the police to arrive and tell you what to do at the scene. If you feel like you can do so, take a video of the area and your injuries, the other driver, and anyone else who is present. It is always a good idea for you to have documentation of what occurred.
What Evidence Can You Gather at the Scene?
If you are able to do so without putting your care at risk, try to get the names and contact information of all parties involved, as well as any witnesses who may have witnessed what occurred. You also want to document what you remember happening at that moment. This includes what was happening as you were turning the corner or crossing the intersection.
Our Team Is Here To Assist You Every Step Of The Way.
SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY TODAYGet to the Hospital for the Care You Need
There are numerous steps you must take after a motorcycle accident, but none are more important than this one. Get to the hospital for a full workup and examination, even if you are okay. This will help you to get care for what you cannot see, such as a broken bone or an internal injury that may take time to develop.
You should follow all recommendations the emergency room provides to you in getting care, whether that includes remaining in the hospital or it means following up with specialists. Do not, under any circumstance, skip those appointments. The chances are good the insurance company for the responsible driver will cover those necessary medical appointments.
Once you do this, work to heal, and that often means putting the time and effort into consistently going to the doctor, getting the rehab you are scheduled for, and resting as directed. You do not want to push yourself too hard to return to work since that can cost you dearly as well. You do not want to worsen your symptoms and injuries.
Contact Our Motorcycle Accident Attorney Right Away
One of the most important steps to take after a motorcycle accident is to contact our motorcycle accident attorney for immediate help and guidance. The sooner you contact us in this process, the better your chances are of getting the support you need to avoid mistakes and maximize your compensation. There are several ways we can help you right now.
The first step for our legal team is to understand what happened, with the goal of understanding what your legal rights are moving forward. This will include fact gathering, determining what evidence exists to support your statements, and determining who the right insurance company is to pursue damages. Our legal team will then work closely with you to create a legal strategy for moving forward.
Typically, this will include several steps designed to support you in getting the best possible outcome. Our primary goal initially is to provide you with information and educate you on your rights. From there, we will help you in several other ways.
Determine Who Is at Fault and Why It Happened
To do this, we will gather evidence from the scene, request the medical records of the negligent driver, speak to witnesses, and talk to the police about the incident. Our legal team will also talk to you about what you remember. We will then verify who is at fault and whether or not you hold any of that fault before moving forward.
Determine What Your Losses Are
In most serious motorcycle accidents, our clients face tremendous losses, including significant medical bills, lost time at work, damage to their property, pain and suffering, and emotional trauma. We uncover all of the losses you have and may suffer in the future as a result of this accident, including losses related to recovery, changes to your home, changes to your quality of life, and your ability to engage in activities you love. We try to assign a value to these losses as the next step.
We Pursue the Insurance Company Aggressively
Our motorcycle accident attorneys then go to work to prove your case to the insurance companies of the negligent driver. This allows us to represent you as you seek the compensation you are owed, even if the insurance company does not agree. If they will not settle for a fair amount, we will go to court to protect your rights to full compensation.
Set Up a Free Consultation with Us Now
If you have suffered a serious injury from a motorcycle accident, we want to help you get the fair compensation owed to you. Contact BDIW Law now to discuss your case during a free consultation. We can answer your questions, give you insight into what your case may be worth, and tell you what else you should do when a motorcycle accident occurs.