You can wait a few months to seek damages as part of a personal injury claim. However, you should file your personal injury claim sooner rather than later. If you wait too long to file a personal injury lawsuit, you risk missing out on your chance to get compensation from anyone responsible for your injury.
At BDIW Law, we can file your personal injury lawsuit in accordance with Oklahoma’s statute of limitations. To get started, please reach out to us. We can connect you with a Ponca City personal injury lawyer who can walk you through the process of submitting a personal injury claim.
There Are Many Reasons to File a Personal Injury Claim
With a personal injury claim, you can request compensation from anyone that causes you harm. Common reasons why people file lawsuits for personal injuries include:
Car Accident
A negligent driver can cause an accident in which you suffer an injury. You may believe you are fully responsible for any of the costs relating to your accident. Yet, you can file an auto accident lawsuit and seek compensation based on your injury, vehicle damage, and other losses.
Bicycle Accident
You can ride your bike and do so with safety top of mind. Regardless, a driver can strike you while you are riding your bike. At this point, you can get hurt and may need to file a bike accident lawsuit to get the money you need to treat your injuries.
Dog Bite
A dog owner must watch their pet carefully. Otherwise, if their dog bites someone, they can be held financially responsible. By filing a dog bite accident lawsuit, you can pursue compensation if a dog bites and injures you.
If you are considering filing a personal injury lawsuit in Oklahoma, the team at BDIW Law can help you out. For more information, please get in touch with us. Our personal injury lawyer can review your claim and help you decide if now is the best time to file a lawsuit.
Our Team Is Here To Assist You Every Step Of The Way.
SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY TODAYTime Is Short for Filing a Personal Injury Claim
Oklahoma has a two-year statute of limitations for personal injury claims. This means you have the option to wait at least a few months from the date you suffer your personal injury to seek damages. On the other hand, if you wait more than two years, you lose the right to request compensation from any at-fault parties.
As soon as you suffer a personal injury, get medical care. You can go to a doctor or emergency room and receive treatment for your injury. Keep any receipts for your medical expenses since you may be able to use your receipts as evidence if you file a personal injury claim.
It is also beneficial to meet with a personal injury attorney. This allows you to share details about your personal injury and find out if you have a valid claim. Your attorney can make sure your personal injury claim is submitted in a reasonable time frame, and you can begin your pursuit of damages.
You May Receive a Lowball Settlement Offer Based on Your Personal Injury Claim
After you suffer a personal injury, the at-fault party may propose a settlement. It can be tempting to accept a settlement offer since it gives you instant cash. Conversely, doing so may wind up doing more harm than good in the long run.
It is common for someone who causes a personal injury to propose a settlement that is far less than what the victim could get as part of a lawsuit. If the victim approves the settlement, they may be forced to cover some or most of the costs of treating their injury. Meanwhile, the at-fault party moves on from their actions and is not forced to deal with their financial ramifications.
Rather than accept a personal injury settlement, it pays to partner with an attorney. Once you hire a lawyer, you can receive answers to any legal questions you have. Plus, your attorney can help you evaluate a settlement offer and decide whether to approve, reject, or counter it.
It Is in Your Best Interests to Seek the Most Damages Possible
The cost of a personal injury varies based on its severity. For example, if you suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI), you may be forced to pay for treatments for many years to come. In some instances, personal injuries cause permanent damage as well.
With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you can seek an appropriate amount of damages. Your lawyer will look at the short- and long-term costs associated with your injury. They will then ask for a fair amount of compensation and help you build an argument designed to compel a judge or jury to award this amount.
The ideal personal injury lawyer takes no shortcuts at any point during your litigation. Your attorney will negotiate with the defendant leading up to your trial date. If no settlement is reached, your lawyer will argue on your behalf and explain why you deserve full damages.
You Should Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer Right Away
Time moves quickly, particularly in the months after you suffer a personal injury. Your calendar can fill up, and you may find that your medical costs will escalate. By filing a personal injury claim as soon as you can, you can get compensation before your medical bills become too much to handle.
When you file a personal injury lawsuit, your attorney can negotiate a settlement before your trial date. If your lawyer succeeds, you can get compensation that helps you cover your medical bills. You may also receive money for lost wages, pain, suffering, and other quantifiable and objective losses that you incur.
If your lawyer cannot negotiate a settlement, your case goes to trial. Your attorney will do everything they can to compel a judge or jury to rule in your favor. As a result, your lawyer puts you in an excellent position to secure the compensation you deserve.
BDIW Law Is Here to Help You with Your Personal Injury Claim
The team at BDIW Law has extensive personal injury case experience. To learn more or request a free case consultation, please contact us today.