The impacts of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can vary greatly. Some people who have a brain injury suffer from aphasia. This is a condition that impacts the way a person communicates. Aphasia is an interesting condition because of how it affects the victim.
The term aphasia actually refers to more than one communication difficulty. Some people might have trouble finding the right word for a situation. Others might have trouble with reading or writing. The common denominator here is that the person has trouble letting others know what he or she needs.
People who are trying to communicate with the person who has aphasia might think that the person lost intelligence, but this isn’t the case. The intelligence is still there. The issue is that the brain just isn’t working in the way that it should get the thoughts out.
In some cases, people will say one word when they actually mean another word. For example, the person might ask for a pan to wear when he or she means he or she neesds socks. People who suffer from this condition might wonder why people look at them with puzzled looks, but eventually they realize that it is because their vocabulary failed them again.
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SPEAK TO AN ATTORNEY TODAYAphasia can also impact how the sufferer understands other people. It might be difficult for them to comprehend spoken language, which can make life very difficult, especially when a person has other difficulties due to the brain injury.
There are coping mechanisms that people with aphasia can learn. Going through therapy might help them to understand what methods might help them. Of course, some people might need some financial assistance to be able to afford these therapies.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Understanding Aphasia After Brain Injury,” Amy Zellmer, June 22, 2017